Saturday, April 3, 2010

Scrap Packs

I am x-posting this from my art blog, since I find it relevant to zines.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a collector of things. I don’t only collect ideas, but I collect anything that catches my eye for future use. I’ve picked up things off the side of the road, blowing around in parks, or that was discarded and sitting out on the curb. I pick up things at garage sales, and I keep small, medium, and large scraps in what I call my “collage box” for creative happenings later on.

Well, my collage box is overflowing. I have things stashed in drawers, and am always finding things I forgot I had. This is where you come in!

I am trying to do some “spring cleaning” because it is that time of year. I am selling envelopes packed with stuff from my collage box and drawers for you to use in your creative projects, whether they be zines or collages or whatever project you may feel like doing in this beautiful weather. They are only a couple bucks, plus the cost of shipping (I have already weighed the envelopes and am charging exact shipping). So why don’t you go to my etsy shop and treat yourself to a nice surprise in the mail? There are only a few, and once they’re gone, they’re gone!

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